100 % AIRCOOL..
Please notice that : All photos are photographed by me or my contributors to be used on this blog.If you would like to use some of them,please ASK FIRST !!!
Bug-Run 3,1985. This is the buggy that later would be raced successfully by Dan Pedersen.The car was build as a project by some guys from " VW-Bugservice" in Nansensgade,Copenhagen.The "dude" behind the wheel is Dennis,- the owner of " Bugservice".
John Elnef is getting ready for the race season !!! 71 mm. counterweight B.A.S crankshaft.B.A.S rods.Camshaft:Web Cam 86C. with straight cut gears from Pauter Machine.Pro-stacks from JayCee Enterprises.
From B.A.S. lightened,balanced and polished.Extremely nice !!!
This pick-up was owned by Rene Lokdam in the late 80's.The car was equipped with original safari windows and it was (also) used for towing Dan's buggy, back to the pit area,after a trip down the 1/4 mile.
This 70/1300 L bug got the "cal-look" treatment back in 84 by Mr.Riishede.After a trip to USA in 83,-Kim just had to build one of these lookers.The engine was enlarged to 1835 ccm with 110 hp on tap.8-spoke wheels ( first set in DK ? ) were bought at CSP in Sweden.
Dan Pedersen in his drag buggy.The car raced in the CA class at first, but later switched to SA.The power out back came from a 2 liter " 48 IDA" type 4 engine with app.180-190 HP.This combo resulted in some E.T.'s around 11,8- sec.This picture was taken in 88/89, but this buggy is still the quickest VW-based vehicle, ever buildt in Denmark.( Come on,Elnef !!?? :) )
The buggy "altered" for the SA class with frontscreen :) vipers and headlights.This picture was taken at Bug-Run, Mantorp Park 1990, where Dan raced his buggy to a first place and won a trip to Bug-Jam in the U.K.
This dragcar was owned by a Danish guy called Villy.At the 1990 Bug-Run in Sweden,he lend it to Kim Riishede.Kim used the engine from his own,at that time,wrecked racecar.The car originally was build in Sweden.