100 % AIRCOOL..
Please notice that : All photos are photographed by me or my contributors to be used on this blog.If you would like to use some of them,please ASK FIRST !!!
Well,one of the "god ole' boys" in the neighborhood is at it again !! A healthy 2,9 L T4 engine is on its way.As if that was'nt enough,a 2,7 L turbocharged T4 also is under construction :)
Arias pistons with low comp.top and teflon treated skirts for a turbo charged T4 engine.
Mr. MFJ. have been workin' hard during his vacation.All the welding are done, and the "top" trial fittet to the already finished pan.Nice job !!! Now get busy painting,Morten :)
No, not quite Mr. Hendrix, but a guy from the Aalborg,Denmark area by the name of Ole Thomsen.Ole was active on the Danish Vee-Dub scene from the late 70's to the early 90's.Please check out some of Ole's creations HERE !!!
Mr. Elnef and Mr.KIDJ, both M.I.B. Preparing for some action at Tirstrup Airport.This event "Air-Race" was held by VW-Klub AArhus. If you would like to see some small movieclips from this dragrace,please click HERE !! :)
Mats Herrlander, Sweden,broke his gearbox at this event,but with a lot of help from the VW Klub AArhus guys and Mr. Riishede/Mr. Berg he was able to drive the car back to Sweden.The picture shows the owner Mr.Herrlander and Mr. Riishede hard at work in the blazing sun :)