Tuesday, February 27, 2007


An "Essendrup Motor" modifyed head.The 1600i engine
will reside in the back of Mr.JD's T1 summer cruiser.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Danish Nostalgia

I've just recieved a couple of foto cd's from Mr.Ole Thomsen.
Lots of nice "old" pictures comming up !! :)

Project X files

For quick shifting it's gotta be a.....Type 3 stick ! :)
The N/A 2,9 l. lurking behind the rags........
Project-x top in the paintbox.

A look inside the 2,7 l. turbo engine.....

Keith Steinick

What a blast from the past !!This 49 split was build and
owned by Mr.Keith Steinick,the founder of CSP.
These pictures from the early 80's are all by courtesy of
Mr.Rene Lokdam,Copenhagen.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Eat this......

Ahh,-It's sunday dinner time at "Essendrup Engine".
From the left: Iversen,Dalsgaard and Elnef. Table is the
floorpan for "Project X" :)

Friday, February 02, 2007

The 80's......

Once again,nostalgia pictures,provided by Mr.Kim Riishede :)
Picture shows a bunch of Danish vee-dub enthusiasts wrenchin'
on the "Dennis Dynamite"buggy,back in 85.
Dennis,the owner of "Bug-Service",Copenhagen,went to
Germany back in 85,to do a bit of dragracing in his beach-
Dennis vs. Keith Steinick(founder of CSP) in his 3 l. roof-
chopped notch.Place:Germany.Year:85.
P.S.:The buggy won this race.......

Dinnertime at Bug-run 3.

Lars Ebdrup,Henrik,Kim,Dennis,Soeren
Bug-run 3, Mr.Riishede later bought the pick-up,and the
engine from this vehicle is still alive after all these years.
It now powers the Ghia owned by.......Mr.Riishede :)
Bug-Run 3, Soeren,Dennis and Dan.