100 % AIRCOOL..
Please notice that : All photos are photographed by me or my contributors to be used on this blog.If you would like to use some of them,please ASK FIRST !!!
Back in 89' a guy called Tommy Nilsson published "Road Runner Magazine",-mostly US cars,but sometimes the odd VeeDub...these pictures shows Jacob Moeller (orange) and Per Rasmussen (blue) both members of Copenhagen Aircoolers back then.The RR Magazine was in the shops a couple of years only,-I think,-but I remember the issues with these vw's well :) Scanning by Mr.Riishede ;) ( The RRM's on the picture above was for sale resently on QXL)
The "Black Bulldog" made it to the SCC this year,but the damn dog appearently got an appetite for ZF diff's.....:) Mr.Kirketerp only had one go at the strip before the diff. let go :( A spool maybe up next :) Mr.Kirketerp hard at work helping out one of his fellow dragracers !! :) :)